Safety Bay SHS Specialist Football Program

Specialist Football Program

The Safety Bay Senior High School specialised coaching program provides an opportunity for each student to develop his or her individual skills, team play and knowledge, to the highest level, with a focus on developing lifelong participation in physical activity, leadership and citizenship.

SBSHS Soccer PlayerTraining Program

Students will participate in 240 minutes of practical coaching time during the school week with two one hour sessions and one two hour session per week. This time does not impact on the learning program of the students. Students will also supplement this with practice matches, participation in the Champion Schools Soccer Program, club training and weekend matches.

Academic Progress

Academic progress is an important part of the Safety Bay Senior High School Football Academy. Students are expected to work consistently across all subjects to maintain a high standard of academic performance, behaviour and attendance. Failure to do so may result in the student being asked to leave the program.

Facilities and Equipment

Safety Bay Senior High School Football Academy has the State’s best training facilities. The FIFA approved artificial turf facility is highly motivating and encourages small sided football. Excellent facilities are provided on and off the field with the development of a purpose built fitness centre. We also have an extensive range of speed, agility and quickness equipment. Players have access to indoor soccer facilities and high quality training equipment.

Champion Schools Competition

All students participate in the School Sport WA Champion Schools Competition that is played in Terms 2 and 3. The Safety Bay Senior High School Football Academy has won eleven State Titles since its inception in 2002
